Start to feel connected to yourself & your life again

Pregnancy loss of the loss of your baby is NEVER anything you anticipate on your journey to Motherhood.

The overwhelming emotions, guilt, fear & the enormity of the physical recovery can make your journey to recovery unclear & daunting. Not to mention soul shattering & life altering.




A sort after & truly transformative program

"I would highly recommend the program to others"

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with the 6 Week self healing immersion produced by

Sharna Southan

Pregnancy Loss Practitioner / Trauma Informed coach / Speaker/ Mentor / Self Healing Spiral Practitioner

AN INTIMATE EXPERIENCE creating safety in your body again.

How to come back from a soul shattering loss that is Pregnancy or baby loss

Because Pregnancy loss is trauma to your Mind, Body & Soul.

  • Fear / Guilt / Shame / Feeling out of Control?
  • Therapy feels like its not hitting the mark?
  • Overwhelmed with BIG emotions that drown you? 
  • Do you feel triggered by what people say or things you encounter in day to day life?
  • Do you fear TTC again after loss because "It could happen again?"
  • You feel grief hits you often & knocks you off your feet?
  • You just want the pain to stop so you can be happy again?


Together, we will create a safe and nurturing space where you can feel truly seen and heard.

I understand the profound impact of pregnancy loss and the deep wounds it can leave behind. It is my intention to help you heal those wounds and witness your life unfold in ways you never thought possible

Watch my presentation at The Global Grief Conference

I spoke about the Self Healing Spiral Components at the Global Grief Conference 2022


Do you want to have the confidence to cope with whatever your day brings?

Your body has to feel SAFE to heal.

Learn what you can implement for this to occur & also learn why you react the way you do.


6 Week Self Healing Immersion

In this 6 week immersive experience, I will guide you through a transformative journey of self-healing and self-discovery.

In a safe & supportive space, Together, we will delve into the depths of your trauma, wounds, and emotions, and uncover the steps necessary to return to a place of self-love.

Throughout the program, I will provide you with tangible tools and techniques that will empower you to take healing back into your own hands.

I want to reinforce - You won't be alone on this journey - I will be there to support and hold you accountable every step of the way.

We will work together to heal your trauma on a body level, creating a safe and nurturing space where you can feel truly seen and heard.

I understand the profound impact of pregnancy loss and the deep wounds it can leave behind. Together, we will work towards healing those wounds and witnessing your life unfold in ways you never thought possible.

If you're ready and open to receive the support and healing that this program offers, I am here to guide you on this transformative path to healing and self-love.

Let's embark on this journey together.

** NOTE: Pay in full is 20% OFF but there are payment plans available **


Wounds take root in your experience. Wounds are often created in our early childhood or in our pregnancy loss.  We need love & affection to survive. If we do not feel love in a given moment it leaves a trace & creates a wound. What we can do together in our sessions is become aware of your wound & how you can start to heal it. 



The next stage is Emotions. Emotions play the role of your very own healer. Every emotion has its own mission & its own message. Once we understand their importance, we dare go give them their rightful place. So in this session, we will strip the labels off the emotions & see them for what they are. 


It seems counterintuitive but in this session, this requires you to sit with your emotions & welcome them. Because every emotion has a mission. It is coming to you for a reason.


Transmutation means - the action of changing or the state of being changed into another form. So in this session, we will be transmuting what we perceive to be the negative emotions & thoughts into ones that will serve us moving forward.


Anulom Vilom. WHAT IS THIS? It is a controlled nostril breathing exercise. In this session, it will help you do those exercise that benefits your physical & mental health.


Coming back to a place of love for yourself & for your experience is the place you want to end up. In this session, it will help you to love yourself for everything you have mentally been through, for everything you have physically been through & not criticize yourself for any decisions you had to make at the moment you had to make them.


"The biggest take away for me was working to find my feminine and masculine energies and I loved all the meditation and other tools that I could use to help in that area"


"I joined the self healing immersion program with Sharna after suffering a traumatic miscarriage from an IVF frozen embryo transfer. I had been trying to conceive through IVF for two years and I was absolutely crushed. The program has really helped me to understand my fears and emotions around the loss. It has helped me to live in the present moment and really take the time to look after the physical and emotional needs of my body. I am feeling safer and happier within myself and am at the stage where I can love and trust my body and mind again. The tools that I have implemented from the program will remain apart of my daily life and I look forward to what the future may hold for me. Thank you Sharna for your time and care through this difficult time in my life and thank you for your guidance in healing."


  • Increased awareness and understanding of personal trauma and wounds.

  • Mastery of emotions and the ability to effectively interpret their messages.

  • Improved ability to cope with triggers, handling them with ease and understanding.

  • Establishment of daily healing practices to support ongoing healing and growth.

  • Restoration of confidence and personal power within oneself and one's life.

  • Processing and healing of emotional and physical trauma.

  • Increased readiness to try to conceive again without fear or hesitation.

  • Accountability and motivation through access to an online group for live Q&A support.

  • Acquisition of tools to bring calmness into the body and one's life, recognizing that healing must occur on a somatic level.


I am a pregnancy loss life coach supporting women through miscarriage or pregnancy loss. I hope to be able to help you through your journey of gaining support and healing by knowing that I have been there too, I have been in your shoes and you can too come out of that oh so dark tunnel.


"Sharna is an absolute angel. Her program helped me to heal my emotional and spiritual wounds from pregnancy loss.

This work is completely invaluable and I am so grateful to have found Sharna. She holds space so well and is an unwavering support.

Sharna is exactly what my heart needed to heal. I highly recommend her to anyone who has experienced pregnancy loss.

You do not have to navigate your grief alone and Sharna is living proof of that!"




"Joining Sharna’s Masterclass was the best decision I made for myself during such a difficult time. I was able to learn new skills and mindsets to help cope. She is such a special person and so knowledgeable in so many different areas. I would highly recommend her Masterclass to anyone who is feeling alone and sad. I’m so fortunate to have met her and look forward to always having a connection with her."


What's included inside this 6 week program?

  • High touch weekly calls walking you through each of the 6 steps (value $2,250)

  • Weekly LIVE Q&A & Integration calls (value $1,200)

  • Downloadable PDF resources accompanying each weeks session (Value $300)

  • Emotional clearing meditation before each session (forming a new habit)

  • Accountability to keep you moving forward

  • Lifetime access to the calls & resources


Everyone’s situation is different. 
**please email [email protected] if you need another payment option**


$1,399.00 USD


  • High touch, Individualised calls walking you through a 6 step process (value $2,250)
  • Weekly LIVE Q&A calls (value $1,200)
  • Downloadable PDF resources 
  • Lifetime access to the calls & resources
I need a payment plan - DM me

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